Pobtastic / Level Names

Created Sat, 02 Mar 2024 16:08:44 +0000 Modified Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:03:46 +0000

The Level Names


The Routine

Keep in mind hexadecimal is used here (Skoolkit syntax is e.g. $4000 which is equivalent to address 16384).


The data structure is rigid; each level contains one attribute byte and three lines containing nine characters.

; Messaging: Level Names
; Level 1.
t$BBA0 DEFB $42         ; Attribute INK: RED, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT).
 $BBA1 DEFM "   THE   " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BBAA DEFM "BOUNCING " ; { #FONT:(   THE   )$3D00,attr=$42(level-01-01) }
 $BBB3 DEFM "HEDGEHOGS" ; { #FONT:(BOUNCING )$3D00,attr=$42(level-01-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(HEDGEHOGS)$3D00,attr=$42(level-01-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 2.
 $BBBC DEFB $45         ; Attribute INK: CYAN, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT).
 $BBBD DEFM "   THE   " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BBC6 DEFM "  WILY   " ; { #FONT:(   THE   )$3D00,attr=$45(level-02-01) }
 $BBCF DEFM "WALLABIES" ; { #FONT:(  WILY   )$3D00,attr=$45(level-02-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(WALLABIES)$3D00,attr=$45(level-02-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 3.
 $BBD8 DEFB $46         ; Attribute INK: YELLOW, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT).
 $BBD9 DEFM "   THE   " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BBE2 DEFM " KILLER  " ; { #FONT:(   THE   )$3D00,attr=$46(level-03-01) }
 $BBEB DEFM "  BEES   " ; { #FONT:( KILLER  )$3D00,attr=$46(level-03-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(  BEES   )$3D00,attr=$46(level-03-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 4.
 $BBF4 DEFB $50         ; Attribute INK: BLACK, PAPER: RED (BRIGHT).
 $BBF5 DEFM "   ALL   " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BBFE DEFM "  THAT   " ; { #FONT:(   ALL   )$3D00,attr=$50(level-04-01) }
 $BC07 DEFM " BOUNCES " ; { #FONT:(  THAT   )$3D00,attr=$50(level-04-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:( BOUNCES )$3D00,attr=$50(level-04-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 5.
 $BC10 DEFB $70         ; Attribute INK: BLACK, PAPER: YELLOW (BRIGHT).
 $BC11 DEFM "   THE   " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BC1A DEFM "  SWARM  " ; { #FONT:(   THE   )$3D00,attr=$70(level-05-01) }
 $BC23 DEFM "         " ; { #FONT:(  SWARM  )$3D00,attr=$70(level-05-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(         )$3D00,attr=$70(level-05-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 6.
 $BC2C DEFB $56         ; Attribute INK: YELLOW, PAPER: RED (BRIGHT).
 $BC2D DEFM " SPRING  " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BC36 DEFM "   AND   " ; { #FONT:( SPRING  )$3D00,attr=$56(level-06-01) }
 $BC3F DEFM "  STING  " ; { #FONT:(   AND   )$3D00,attr=$56(level-06-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(  STING  )$3D00,attr=$56(level-06-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 7.
 $BC48 DEFB $44         ; Attribute INK: GREEN, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT).
 $BC49 DEFM "NIGHTMARE" ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BC52 DEFM "  PARK   " ; { #FONT:(NIGHTMARE)$3D00,attr=$44(level-07-01) }
 $BC5B DEFM "         " ; { #FONT:(  PARK   )$3D00,attr=$44(level-07-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(         )$3D00,attr=$44(level-07-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}
; Level 8.
 $BC64 DEFB $D6         ; Attribute INK: YELLOW, PAPER: RED (BRIGHT) FLASH: ON.
 $BC65 DEFM " ABANDON " ; {#UDGTABLE(default,centre)
 $BC6E DEFM "   ALL   " ; { #FONT:( ABANDON )$3D00,attr=$D6(level-08-01) }
 $BC77 DEFM "  HOPE!  " ; { #FONT:(   ALL   )$3D00,attr=$D6(level-08-02) }
                        ; { #FONT:(  HOPE!  )$3D00,attr=$D6(level-08-03) }
                        ; UDGTABLE#}

Fetching The Current Level Name

The routine finds the level data using this formula:

\( LevelData = 48032 + (CurrentLevelNumber * 28) \)

Obviously given this is z80 assembly, which does not have multiplication built-in, the code has to do this manually with addition.

; Print Level Name
; #UDGTABLE(default,centre)
; { #PUSHS #SIM(start=$75AA,stop=$7638)#SIM(start=$74DC,stop=$7518)
; #SCR$02(game) #POPS }
; This looks confusing, but it's basically #REGhl=#N$BBA0+(level*#N$1C).
; --------------------------------------------------------
; | Level | Address | Attribute | Level Name             |
; |-------|---------|-----------|------------------------|
; | $00   | $BBA0   | $42       | THE BOUNCING HEDGEHOGS |
; | $01   | $BBBC   | $45       | THE WILY WALLABIES     |
; | $02   | $BBD8   | $46       | THE KILLER BEES        |
; | $03   | $BBF4   | $50       | ALL THAT BOUNCES       |
; | $04   | $BC10   | $70       | THE SWARM              |
; | $05   | $BC2C   | $56       | SPRING AND STING       |
; | $06   | $BC48   | $44       | NIGHTMARE PARK         |
; | $07   | $BC64   | $D6       | ABANDON ALL HOPE!      |
; --------------------------------------------------------
c$74DC LD A,($7820)  ; Fetch the current level and store it in #REGa.
 $74DF ADD A,A       ; {Multiply it by 4 and store the result in #REGl (level*04).
 $74E0 ADD A,A       ;
 $74E1 LD L,A        ; }
 $74E2 ADD A,A       ; Multiply it again by 2 and store this in #REGh (level*08).
 $74E3 LD H,A        ; }
 $74E4 ADD A,A       ; {Multiply it again by 2 (level*16), add this together
 $74E5 ADD A,H       ; with #REGh, #REGl and 160 and the store the result in
 $74E6 ADD A,L       ; #REGl.
 $74E7 ADD A,$A0     ;
 $74E9 LD L,A        ; }
 $74EA LD A,$00      ; {#REGh=187+carry.
 $74EC ADC A,$BB     ;
 $74EE LD H,A        ; }

All level names are printed in the same place.

Game HUD

 $74EF LD DE,$5A57   ; #REGde=#N$5A57 (attribute buffer location).
 $74F2 LD C,$03      ; #REGc=#N$03 (line counter; all levels are three lines).
*$74F4 LD A,(HL)     ; Fetch the attribute byte and store it in #REGa.
 $74F5 LD B,$09      ; #REGb=#N$09 (character counter; all lines contain nine characters).
*$74F7 LD (DE),A     ; Write the attribute byte to the attribute buffer.
 $74F8 INC E         ; Move one character block right.
 $74F9 DJNZ $74F7    ; Decrease the character counter by one and loop back to
                     ; LevelName_AttributeLoop until the counter is zero.
; Move down one line and reset the position; 9 + 23 = 32 (i.e. one full line).
 $74FB LD A,E        ; {#REGe+=23.
 $74FC ADD A,$17     ;
 $74FE LD E,A        ; }
 $74FF DEC C         ; Decrease the line counter by one.
 $7500 JR NZ,$74F4   ; Jump to LevelName_AttributeLineLoop until the line counter is zero.
title: "Subroutine: Set Attributes For Colouring The Level Name"
flowchart TD;

    DE["DE=23127 (in the attribute buffer)"]-->C["C=03 (line counter)"];
    C-->A[A=Attribute byte from HL];
    A-->B["B=09 (number of characters in each line)"];
    B-->Write["Write the attribute byte to DE (attribute buffer pointer)"];
    E["DE+=1 (move the attribute buffer pointer right)"]-->Loop_B
    Loop_B[Decrease the character counter by one until it is zero]-->Write
    Loop_B-->|All character blocks have been processed for this line|Loop_C
    Loop_C[Decrease the line counter by one until it is zero]-->A
    Loop_C-->|All lines have processed|End

Then similarly, print the characters to the screen buffer.

 $7502 INC L         ; Move #REGhl to the start of the level string data.
 $7503 EXX           ; Switch to the shadow registers.
 $7504 LD DE,$5057   ; #REGde'=#N$5057 (screen buffer location).
 $7507 EXX           ; Switch back to the normal registers.
 $7508 LD C,$03      ; #REGc=#N$03 (line counter; all levels are three lines).
*$750A LD B,$09      ; #REGb=#N$09 (character counter; all lines contain nine characters).
 $750C CALL $74D3    ; Call Print_Loop.
; Move down one line (and reset the position - #N$09+#N$17=#N$20).
 $750F EXX           ; Switch to the shadow registers.
 $7510 LD A,E        ; {#REGe'+=23.
 $7511 ADD A,$17     ;
 $7513 LD E,A        ; }
 $7514 EXX           ; Switch back to the normal registers.
; Have we printed all three lines of the level name yet?
 $7515 DEC C         ; Decrease the line counter by one.
 $7516 JR NZ,$750A   ; Jump to PrintLevelName_Loop until #REGc is zero.
 $7518 RET           ; Return.
title: "Subroutine: Printing The Level Name To The Screen Buffer"
flowchart TD;
    L[HL=Start of the level string data]-->|Shadow Registers|DE
    DE["DE'=20567 (in the screen buffer)"]-->|Normal Registers|C["C=03 (line counter)"];
    Print_Loop["Call Print_Loop subroutine (uses B=09)"]-->|Shadow Registers|E
    E["DE'+=23 (Move down one line in the screen buffer)"]-->|Normal Registers|Loop_C
    Loop_C[Decrease the line counter by one until it is zero]-->Print_Loop
    Loop_C-->|All level data has been printed to the screen|Ret[Return]

Wheelie Disassembly