


26 results for Zx Spectrum
  • In what might be a bit of a surprising purchase for an 11 year old, I can remember going into the game shop in Romford and specifically asking to buy a “good” poker game. I can’t even remember why I was so attracted to poker but I can recall watching a lot of late-night poker on TV as a teenager so something must have triggered it in my childhood, and I guess I just wanted to give it a go myself.

    Regardless, the guy offered me this and it’s pretty inappropriate for an 11 year old but the 80’s were just a different time! 😆

    hollywoodpoker skoolkit zx spectrum z80
    Created Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:58:17 +0100
  • Quite a smart routine for a sleazy game! This is a print routine with a difference, instead of printing 8 bit x 8 bit characters it handles printing 4 bit x 8 bit characters (two letters per character block).
    hollywoodpoker skoolkit zx spectrum z80
    Created Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:40:09 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    The finished game! Not 100% accurate, but close enough - enjoy!

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:14:33 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    All the final bits and bobs ready to create the finished game!

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Sun, 28 Apr 2024 22:43:11 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    Adding the annoying sound effects.

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Sat, 27 Apr 2024 17:04:51 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    Here we’ll deal with generating the goldfish which the player has to collect.

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Tue, 23 Apr 2024 23:00:07 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    The player has little pixel bubbles which float to the surface. We can achieve this very simply using a Phaser feature called “particles”.

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:34:33 +0100
  • Air

    Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    The game has an air bar which constantly decreases. You don’t actually “die” in the game, just lose your collected fish - so you have to make sure to refill your air at the surface (which we’ll cover later).

    For now, let’s just make the air bar and add an event timer so it decreases.

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:34:27 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    The player is pretty uncomplicated, we’ll deal with the oxygen and bubbles later.

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:35:15 +0100
  • Using the Phaser game framework to recreate the long hidden Goldfish Game in Booty.

    Implementing an accurate ZX Spectrum font!

    booty phaser zx spectrum
    Created Sun, 21 Apr 2024 09:45:03 +0100