Continuing on with 180 having some really pro-level coding, it also has speech in it!! Incredible given it’s a budget game and that the speech works on the 48K Spectrum beeper!
I’d love to know how they achived this cheaply enough for it to not be a full priced game.
As I’ve mentioned before, I love a budget game, mostly for “budgetary reasons” I suppose… As paper round money doesn’t stretch far.
So, it was always exciting when a new budget game hit the shelves, I’m not entirely sure why younger me was drawn to 180 - I don’t know that I’d ever even played darts at that age. I can imagine I probably was swayed by the review in Crash magazine!
Anyways, this is such a great game! It is unfortunately possible to get quite accurate with where the darts land - but it’s still a very nice darts experience.
In what might be a bit of a surprising purchase for an 11 year old, I can remember going into the game shop in Romford and specifically asking to buy a “good” poker game. I can’t even remember why I was so attracted to poker but I can recall watching a lot of late-night poker on TV as a teenager so something must have triggered it in my childhood, and I guess I just wanted to give it a go myself.
Regardless, the guy offered me this and it’s pretty inappropriate for an 11 year old but the 80’s were just a different time! 😆
One of the best budget games ever written; “Booty” by Firebird).
When I was young I took on my older sisters paper round as she didn’t want to do it any more. I think I was maybe a little too young to be doing a paper round (I was 11 I guess, maybe even a little younger) and obviously it didn’t pay all that well - hence, a lot of the games I bought back then were “budget” games, like Booty.
They were a perfect price for paper round money!